Management Skills Associates


Off Hours
Instructor Bio
Student Evaluations

Welcome to Management Skills Associates, a small training-consulting firm located in the charming village of Solvang, California, better known as "Little Denmark, USA." 

 Actually, we're not Danish at all. Can't speak it, can't read it, can't understand it. But our dedication to pastries and smorgasbords qualified us to locate the business here several years ago, moving from its original base in Los Angeles. Since this is a "traveling" business, it's great to have home port amid the picturesque windmills of Solvang and the ranches and vineyards of the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley.

MSA has been conducting training workshops since its inception in 1972. From the beginning, our focus has been on teaching interpersonal communication skills as they apply to the military workplace, with special emphasis on the needs and requirements of the Navy. MSA has conducted workshops in military classrooms from Seattle to Pensacola to San Diego to Yokosuka. In 1991, Carolyn Reynolds, known to her students as "Casey", became the sole owner of MSA and now serves as chief executive, chief instructor, chief bottle washer, and chief-anything-else that's called for in a solo business such as this.

Whatever technological miracles take place in the new century, it's a pretty good bet that human nature won't change much. People will still be good at some things and not so good at others, and training in writing and briefing skills will continue to be just as relevant as it is now. Our classes continue with this in mind, and we invite you to go to the workshop list for more detailed information on our curriculum.

Our teaching methods include lecture, demonstration, examples, transparencies, workbooks, additional handouts, and in-class practice in writing and/or speaking skills. We welcome both hard work and a sense of humor in our students. Experience tells us that working adults learn more willingly and quickly in a congenial atmosphere, and we make it our goal to provide a disciplined agenda in a non-threatening environment.  Our student evaluations indicate this is an approach that works.

Please call, fax, or E-mail us for specific prices both inside and outside California. Our quoted fees will be wrap-around, including all costs for classroom materials and instructor expenses. We take government credit cards, and are accustomed to receiving the appropriate card number on a 1556 form, or its equivalent, at the end of each class. All our training is done with a money back guarantee. If you're not happy, you're not expected to pay. 

Management Skills Associates
P.O. Box 365
Solvang, CA 93464
Phone: (805) 688-2388 Fax: (805) 688-7787