MANAGEMENT SKILLS ASSOCIATES WORKSHOP TITLE: Executive Update – Navy Writing LENGTH AND SIZE: One or two days – maximum 25 students INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn (Casey) Reynolds Early in 1996, the Office of the CNO reissued and endorsed the Navy writing guide “Just Plain English.” The style recommendations in this guide are the mark of good management wherever they are applied consistently throughout all levels of the Navy. EXECUTIVE UPDATE is specifically based on this Navy style guide. This is a fast-paced workshop for busy managers and supervisors who must generate their own writing while overseeing the writing of subordinates. A summary of specific style recommendations, plus a workbook for job-related application, will update the attendee on the contents and effective use of the principles outlined in “Just Plain English.” An ample selection of transparencies demonstrates the “before” and “after” in actual Navy letters, memos, and reports. Several other examples of business and technical writing will also display the good and not-so-good in written communication. This is a valuable training experience for any leader interested in improving communication skills within the organization. It’s a quick, efficient way to bring both writer and reviewer up to speed on the latest official recommendations for readable, results-oriented Navy writing. |