MANAGEMENT SKILLS ASSOCIATES WORKSHOP TITLE: PLAIN ENGLISH IN GOVERNMENT WRITING LENGTH AND SIZE: Two days – Maximum 25 students INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn (Casey) Reynolds COURSE CONTENT: The world of written communication is changing, especially in the halls of the federal government. Bureaucratic gobbledygook is out. Letters and reports written in clear, understandable English are in. By presidential memo, government employees are now directed to use “plain
in any document that provides explanations or instructions to the general
This refreshing new style has already been introduced into all branches of
the military,
and the method is spreading into virtually all governmental agencies. This
is a style that makes it easier for everybody to exchange information –
easier for the writer to express and idea, easier for the reader to
understand it. It all adds up to less wasted time, less wasted money, less personal The two-day workshop includes the basics of “plain English” writing (originally introduced as “Air Force Writing”), explains how a readability index works, takes a look at common grammar and punctuation errors in government writing, and offers ample opportunity for students to practice what they’ve learned. More than 150 transparencies demonstrate the good, the bad, and the unintentionally funny in a wide variety of real-world writing examples. |