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P.O. Box 365
Solvang, CA 93464
Phone: (805) 688-2388 Fax: (805) 688-7787 E-mail:

WORKSHOP TITLE: Proofreading and Editing Skills

LENGTH AND SIZE: Two days - Maximum 25 students

INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn (Casey) Reynolds


This workshop provides practical help to secretaries, clerks, or originating writers who must bring accuracy and polish to any document in its final form.

Students get ample practice in a sequence of proofing procedures. Using standard proofreading marks, the attendees learn how to sharpen the eye for error, and how to carry out different tasks in logical sequence. In addition, students will sharpen their awareness of grammar pitfalls, sentence structure, common punctuation problems, number usage, word division, and the value of teamwork in especially demanding proofreading tasks. On the second day of the workshop, attention is focused on matters of editing style and/or content. Exercises and examples provide helpful guidelines in organization, paragraphing, logic, coherence, appropriateness of vocabulary, and the ultimate clarity of the expressed idea. 

Class complies with the Government Printing Office Style Manual, and with official recommendations on writing standards as currently sent forth by the Navy, Army, and Air Force.